#1: The Fairest of Them All by Carolyn Turgeon

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FairestOnce upon a time (as so many of these stories start) in a far off kingdom (where so many of these stories take place), there lived a beautiful young woman named Rapunzel.

Rapunzel was raised by Mathena, who rescued Rapunzel when she was seven years old.  Loving and kind, she hid Rapunzel away in the woods so her neglectful and cruel parents would never find her.  She taught Rapunzel everything about the forest – what plants can heal, which ones can hurt, and what to add to the soil to make the garden grow.

One day, the Prince shows up.  Seventeen year old Rapunzel is helpless against him.  His beauty and power tears their way into her heart.  She in turn bewitches his mind, calling him to her from her tower.

Oh, not bewitching.  A witch is killed.  Mathena and Rapunzel are simple healers, even if it’s only women who creep to the cottage at night, begging for cures for their broken hearts or potions to lure a man to their empty beds.

Following the rules of the tale, Mathena locks Rapunzel in her tower to protect her, but of course the Prince arrives to climb her beautiful hair and ride away with her virginity.

He is promised to another.

Rapunzel is with child.

The women who visit the cottage bring stories of the Princess-to-be.  The marriage will prevent a war with a neighboring kingdom.  She is named after Saint Teresa and the court delights in her piousness.  She will bring God’s favor to them with her goodness and religious heart.  Soon, the King dies and Rapunzel’s prince takes the throne.

There is no room for the magic of herbs and flowers.  And the King is not hers.

Rapunzel aches for her loss.  Her belly swells, her body breaks.  Mathena tries to comfort her, but she has shattered.

Soon, the Queen gives the King a child.  Skin as white as snow.  Hair black as ebony.  Lips red as blood.  The kingdom falls in love with little Snow White.

And then, one night, one of the Queen’s ladies arrives at the cottage.  Terrified she will be found out, but desperate for help, she sits next to the fire and cries.  Mathena gives comfort and aid, just as she has to all the women who have come to her.

But she also gives her tea for the Queen, and soon the Queen is dead.

The King races for Rapunzel, finally able to find her now that Mathena has lifted the spells that hid the tower from him.  Ignoring everyone at court, he brings her back to be his Queen, something Rapunzel has been waiting for since seeing him for the first time.  Something Mathena knew would happen.

Queen Rapunzel, the evil stepmother?  Only she loves Snow White.  The girl is beautiful and sweet and Rapunzel longs to fill the ache in her heart left by her mother’s death.  The death that she brought.

Rapunzel gazes into her mirror each night, wanting to know who is the fairest of them all.  Her hair piles around her, brushing against her skin.  Her beauty is both admired and feared.  Her skills are seen as witchcraft but these voice keep quiet, at least for now.  You are, the mirror tells her.  You are the fairest of them all.

She cannot give the King a child.  Desperate, she uses all her magic to try and conceive a son, but her body betrays her.

And then, one day, She is.  The mirror is still, and then She is the fairest of them all.

Rapunzel finds herself craving the heart of the Princess, who has become a beautiful young woman.

She is alone in the castle.

She will have the girl’s heart.

Mathena guides her from afar.

What happens when you learn all that you were bewitched to forget?  What happens when you learn that it’s not your story that’s being told?  How much have you lost because you were desperate for a King?  How long will it take for a poisoned apple to work its magic?

Who is the fairest of them all?

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